Customer testimonials

We'd like to hear from you! Please send us your feedback.

"Congratulations on a terrific service you offer to the tennis playing community!"
- Daniel Downey

"I have met two hitting partners already through your site. Thanks for providing that service. I hope to use the site further in the future."
- Christina

"I played my first match with a Tennis Round player. Lots of fun. "
- Tom

"Hey! Tennis Round is a great site. Thanks for making it available!"
- Raymond Jones

"I think your business is a much needed service in the Seattle area. We operate a 4-court facility called the Racquet Training Center (RTC) at Sandpoint and will be opening a first-class 10-court indoor facility. It would be much appreciated if you could add our facility to your site. "
- Scott Marshall
Seattle Court Sports Management

"Excellent Idea! I imagine this is a fairly new site. I have already got one response to play. This is great!"
- Urooj Khan

"It’s a great site. I have found a couple of games since I joined. My only recommendation at this point is adding the ability to filter a search for tennis courts – example: lighted public courts within 10 miles of 31234. Love the website."
- Chris Moore

"Hi there, was wondering if this website was backed by the TIA or perhaps another different tennis body here in the USA. It sure is a smooth system, good job folks."
- Scott Bruno

"Again nice job with your site, I think you have a winner as it will help the sport grow. Congrats on your beta."
- Kirk Watari

"I like your site, concept and was able to reach out to a few players very easily. Thanks for making this possible."
- Ernie Fontes

"I came across your site as I was looking for ways to get more tennis in outside of classes. I played a ton of tennis when I was younger and am re-getting back into the sport. This service concept sounds like an interesting way to find hitting partners."
- Wen-Hsing (Grace) Chang

"What a great site! Not sure how I found you, but I’ve been a USPTA pro for over 40 years and I’m in the midst of recommending this site to all of my students."
- Fred Drilling, USPTA American University

"Awesome. Thanks for adding the courts. :) I must say this site is pretty cool. I like the ideas you are putting into it. I hope it grows the tennis community as well as make it a more open and accessible sport."
- Linc DeRose

"The site has been great and I've met a few people since I've joined. The tennis community is smaller in Pittsburgh but definitely still good!"
- David Vichitthavong

"I really like the site. Very useful."
- Michael Smith